Terms of registration of materials 

A full package of documents is sent to the organizing committee:

  1. article materials;
  2. information about the authors;
  3. copy of the payment document;
  2. The structure of the article should include: Title of materials in Russian or English, Full name of the author (s) in Russian or English, Place of work (study) of authors in Russian or English, Abstract in Russian or English (no more than 150 words), keywords in Russian or English language (5-7 words, phrases), Introduction (relevance, purpose (objectives) of the study), Methods, Research results, Conclusions (conclusion), References (up to 10 sources).
  3. Registration of the article:

2.1. UDC classifier: when preparing an article, it is necessary to indicate the UDC classifier code using the Universal Decimal Classification tables available in libraries or using the Internet resource http://teacode.com/online/udc/

2.2. Article titles should meet the following requirements:

  • titles of scientific articles should be informative;
  • in the headings of articles you can use only generally accepted abbreviations;
  • in translating the titles of articles into English there should be no transliteration from the Russian language, except for the untranslatable names of proper names, devices and other objects that have their own names; Untranslatable slang, known only to Russian-speaking specialists, is also not used.

These requirements also apply to the design of annotations and keywords.

2.3. Annotation design – Times New Roman, font size – 10, bold, spacing – 1. The volume of the abstract is no more than 150 words. The abstract briefly describes the subject of the article, information about the main research and results contained therein. The text of the abstract in English should be an exact translation of the Russian-language version, and not a self-contained abstract in English.

2.4. Keywords: 5-7 words or phrases.

2.5. Registration of the main text:

The text of the materials is typed in Microsoft Office Word 97 – 2000, Times New Roman, font size – 14, line spacing – 1.5, all edges are 2 cm each, similar fields are used when placing tables, charts, pictures and a list of references, the text of materials is aligned to the width. A 4 format page, portrait orientation, without dividing the text into columns. The length of the article should be up to 5 pages.

Tables should contain only the necessary data and be generalized and statistically processed materials. Each table is provided with a heading and inserted into the text after the paragraph with the first reference to it. Tables are provided in editable format.

Figures: the amount of graphic material should be minimal (no more than 3 figures). Each figures must have a caption (under the figures), in which an explanation of all its elements is given. Figures can be submitted: in the formats: .tif, .bmp, .jpeg, .wmf, .cdr; charts and graphs – in the formats: .xls, .xlsx (formats of Microsoft Excel).

Formulaes are typed using the formula editor.

Bibliographic references in the text of the article should be given in square brackets. If a link is made to a specific fragment of the text of the document, the reference number and pages of the quoted source are indicated in the reference, then the information is separated by a comma, for example [10, p. 81]. A single reference of the form [1,2,3] is made out of no more than three sources. It is forbidden to use paginated footnotes located at the bottom of the page to indicate sources.

2.6. References no more than 10 sources. The cited literature is given in the general list at the end of the article in the order of mentioning the sources in the text of the article and is drawn up in accordance with the samples provided in Appendix 2.

The text of the report is original and can not be edited. In case of violation of the rules for the preparation of texts in terms of their submission and formatting, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse the author to publish.

The deadline for accepting electronic versions of texts is June 20, 2019.